Art. 1: It is herein founded a non-profit Scientific Association called YORIS – Young Ophthalmologists Retinal Imaging Society. The headquarter of this association will be in Via dei Vestini 6, Clinica Oftalmologica – Università G. D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara. The executive board will be entitled of establishing, even temporary, secondary headquarters, offices or delegations.
Art. 2: This non-profit Association is dedicated to the young Ophthalmologists and has the following aims:
- To promote the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences about the retinal imaging, with particular regard to research, clinical and surgical activity.
- To stimulate the research on this topic, supported by either researcher and industries and public institutions.
- To organize both theoretical and practical conferences, courses, congresses and meetings. To promote editorial and public communication-based activities on this topic
This Association is furthermore entitled in begin any activity aimed at achieving its scientific aims.
Art. 3:The expire date of the Association will be on the 31st December 2050. At that time it could be dissolved or extended according to the board decision, established on the simple majority vote principle.
Art. 4: The association and its legal delegates are independent and do not have any business correlated, except for the scientific activity linked to the national continuous professional development (CPD) programs of each nation
Art. 5: The society will not promote or conduct any syndicalist activity. It reserves the right of disclosing any potential conflict of interest.
Art. 6: Are herein established the following member status:
Founder Members and Executive board:
Dr. Adrian Au, Dr Daniela Bacherini, Dr Enrico Borrelli, Dr Vittorio Capuano, Dr Eliana Costanzo, Dr Marco Lupidi, Dr Rodolfo Mastropasqua, Dr Alexandra Miere, Dr Riccardo Sacconi, Dr Valentina Sarao, Dr Daniele Veritti.
The Professors Francesco Bandello, Bruno Lumbroso and SriniVas R. Sadda will have the role of Honorary President. They will constitute the Wise Council.
Honorary Members
Are entitled to become honorary members of this society ophthalmologist younger than 41. They should have a particular distinction in the field of retinal imaging and will be selected by the founder members on the principle of simple majority vote.
Regular Members:
Are entitled to become regular members Ophthalmologists of Ophthalmology residents younger than 41, with interesting in retinal imaging. The candidate should be proposed and introduced by a founder or honorary member.
Art. 7: The membership breaks up in case of withdrawal, disqualification or death.
Each member has the right of withdrawal by sending an official letter to the headquarter or directly to the president of the association.
Art. 8: The duties and goods reached by the association, comprising those achieved by mean of donation or bequest, have to be considered a capital belonging to association. The execute board decides the membership fees for each category. The members are not entitled of requesting any reimbursement or inheritance in case of withdrawal or exclusion from the association. The same principle is applied for heirs in case of death.
In case of dissolution of the Association the entire endowment will be transferred to the Italian Association of OCT Angiography.
Art. 9: The members, the executive board, the president and the honorary presidents are part of the association.
Art. 10: The association is administered by an executive board composed by 7 to 15 members and the honorary presidents. The following functions belongs to the executive board:
- The honorary presidents are entitled of participating at the meetings and being a lead of the executive board. They don’t have right to vote.
- At the time of mandate expire, the assembly nominates the executive board (from the pool of founders and honorary members). This mandate lasts 3 years and is renewable.
- In case of delays in the executive board members nomination, the membership will be extended of a year.
Reached the age of 41, each member must withdraw his mandate.
- Past Presidents will become part of the Wise Council.
- The executive board can impose a membership fee for the different member’s categories.
- The executive board nominates a president, two vice-presidents (one of them as a vicarial) and a treasurer. These positions last 3 years and are not renewable in a row.
- Each assembly can be considered valid with the presence of at least 6 members of the executive board. One between the president, vice president or treasures must be present at any assembly. The executive member approves actions basing on simple majority vote principle. In case of equality the president’s vote will be critical.
- It belongs to the execute board the right of proposing
- Changes of this statute
- The dissolution of this association;
- The extent of this association.
Regarding these decisions it will be necessary the vote of 2/3 of the executive board.
Art. 11: The following tasks belong to the Assembly:
- Ordinary meetings: a) To approve the balance sheet of the previous year. b) To make decisions about any topic of the agenda;
- Extra-ordinary meetings: a) To approve changes in the association structure as well as its dissolution or fusion with other associations b) To approve potential changes at the statute c) To approve any other topic belonging to the agenda of the extraordinary meeting
Art. 12: The members will be asked to take part at the assembly at least once at year by the 30th June. These will happen for the approval of the balance sheet. They will be invited by the President by mean of a written communication (comprising email), containing the meeting’s agenda. The invitation will be sent at the address that each member will provide to the association. This will arrive at least 15 days in advance. The assembly meeting can be organized each time the executive board consider it necessary or whenever 1/10 of the member makes a formal request.
Art. 13: The member can be represented only by other members with a written mandate, Each member can show a maximum of 3 mandates.
Art. 14: The assembly is chaired by the President or, whether absent, by the vicarial. The chairman has to guarantee the regularity of the mandates and of the vote. At each assembly a formal minutes will be produced and signed by the president and the secretary
Art. 15: The President of the executive board has the legal delegation towards third parties.
Art. 16: The executive board will produce a formal report regarding the activity performed every year by the month of December. This will come along with the economical results of the past year and the plan for the future year. The latter has to be approved by the entire assembly and will be published on the official website of the association. It is forbidden any type of compensation or capital distribution to or between the members. Any capital will be used for the scientific activity (or related actions) of the society. Any capital loss will be equally divided between the founders and ordinary members.
Art. 17: The association will disclose potential conflict of interest.
Art. 18: All the members and administrators must not have had legal sentences related to the activities that the association will promote.
Art. 19: Whatever has not been established by this statute, will be decided basing on the Italian civil code.
Art. 20: The current statute, after a formal notarial approval, will be published of the official website of the Italian Society of OCT Angiography “”.